** Total time for deployment:** 30-45 minutes

ConfigurationRecommended Value
Nodes in the cluster’s core nodegroup4 (min) 5 (max) 4 (desired)
CPU per core node4 CPU
RAM per core node16 GiB RAM
Number of nodes in the cluster’s runners nodegroup1 (min) 5 (max) 1 (desired)
CPU per runner node8 CPU
RAM per runner node32 GiB RAM
Minimum volume size per node200 GiB
Required Kubernetes API version1.21
Storage classstandard

Step 1: [Optional] Create a dedicated resource group for Galileo cluster

az group create --name galileo --location eastus

Step 2: Provision an AKS cluster

az aks create -g galileo -n galileo --enable-managed-identity --node-count 4 --max-count 7 --min-count 4 -s Standard_D4_v4 --nodepool-name gcore --nodepool-labels "galileo-node-type=galileo-core" --enable-cluster-autoscaler

Step 3: Add Galileo Runner nodepool

Az aks nodepool add -g galileo -n grunner --cluster-name galileo --node-count 1 --max-count 5 --min-count 1 --node-count 1 -s Standard_D8_v4 --labels "galileo-node-type=galileo-runner" --enable-cluster-autoscaler

Step 4: Get cluster credentials

az aks get-credentials --resource-group galileo --name galileo

Step 5: Apply Galileo manifest

kubectl apply -f galileo.yaml

Step 6: Customer DNS Configuration

Galileo has 4 main URLs (shown below). In order to make the URLs accessible across the company, you have to set the following DNS addresses in your DNS provider after the platform is deployed.


Creating a GPU-enabled Node Group

For specialized tasks that require GPU processing, such as machine learning workloads, Galileo supports the configuration of GPU-enabled node pools.

  1. Node Group Creation: Create a NCas_T4_v3-series node group with name galileo-ml , min_size 1, max_size 5, and label galileo-node-type=galileo-ml

  2. When this is done, please reach out to Galileo team so that we can update the deployment config for you.